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What to do if you encounter an error

While it is not a common occurrence, you may come across an error message on the platform.

Error in Consumption Data

This error can occur in the Consumption section of each project when uploading a load profile. It indicates that the consumption file has an incompatible format or contains some data error that prevents its processing.

In such cases, you can try to adjust the format to make it compatible.


You can also send us the consumption file and we will add support so that you can use it in your future projects.

Error in Power Exploration

This error may appear in the Consumption section of each project when running the power exploration after defining the consumptions.

The error typically occurs when consumption data has not been defined correctly (there may be incorrect or incomplete data), or in some boundary cases, such as a load profile with exclusively nocturnal consumption.

It can also happen if PVGIS does not have meteorological data for the project location, as the exploration always uses that database regardless of the project-level selection. You can check if this is the case by selecting PVGIS as the meteorological database from the Advanced section of the project and going to the Results section to see if the simulation runs correctly.

Error in Meteorological Database

This error may appear in the Results section of each project when running a simulation.

It can occur when the selected meteorological database in the Advanced section does not have data for the project's geolocation or in case of a temporary issue in the service (for example, PVGIS, though a reliable service, may be unavailable for several hours a year).

In such cases, you can select another meteorological database from the Advanced section of the project, or if you prefer, upload a TMY3 file downloaded from the database you want to work with in the project.

Simulation Error

This generic error may appear in the Results section of each project when running a simulation.

It usually occurs when there is a problem in the project's parameter configuration.

In such cases, you can check that:

  • The fixed loss parameters in the Advanced section of the project all have a correct numerical value (none can be empty).

  • The PPA configuration parameters have reasonable values for TIR, installation costs, and energy prices (PPA price optimization may fail if there is no possible solution due to unrealistic financial parameters). If you want to rule out this possibility, the easiest way is to select the "No PPA" option from the Costs section and see if the simulation runs correctly.