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Cylindrical roofs

Drawing a cylindrical roof takes a little longer than drawing a flat roof but is possible following a few steps.

The solution is to make discrete steps, i.e. you have to make as many roofs as you have rows of modules and assign them the correct tilt to form a cylinder. To do this, you can follow the steps below:

  1. To avoid wasting space, you can create a roof that will serve as a base or template.

  2. Use the base to draw the first section by adjusting its shape to the template modules.

  3. With the minimum height parameter and by adjusting X and Y you can make the modules reappear.

  4. You can delete the base and copy and paste the section multiple times.

  5. Adjust the heights and tilts. Some modules may disappear.

  6. Finally, adjust the "Y position" to bring back the missing modules.