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How to adjust the format of an incompatible consumption file

Load profiles need to be in a compatible format. If the file you want to work with is not compatible:

  1. Click on download template.

  2. Select the start date and end date to match the start/end date of the consumptions you have and choose the appropiate period.

  3. Open your consumption file, select the consumption values and copy them by right clicking and selecting copy or by pressing CTRL+C.

  4. Open the downloaded template from the web, in the Consumption (kWh) column right click and select paste or press CTRL+V.

  5. Upload the template filled in with your consumption data.

After this, you will be able to work with your load profile! 🚀


Note that the timestamps are associated to the beginning of the interval, which means that the consumption associated to 00:00 would be the consumption between 00:00 and 01:00 for an hourly profile.