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In the proposals section you will find the revisions you have generated for a given project. Each generated revision has a series of buttons that you may find useful.

View interactive proposal

Allows you to open the interactive version of the proposal and share this link with your client to gain differentiation, professionalism and trust.

Your client will be able to use the download button at the end of the interactive proposal to save a copy in PDF format.

Download PDF

Allows you to download the proposal in PDF format.

View result tables

Allows you to view different tables with detailed numeric results. You can print the data from in PDF format or copy and paste it into Excel.

Download hourly results

Allows you to download the hourly energy balance of your proposal in Excel format.

Each file contains multiple columns (some of them may not appear represented if they are not applicable to your use case):

TimestampBeginning of the represented period
LoadConsumption of your customer
GenerationTotal energy generated by the system
System to loadPart of the generated energy that goes to the load (self-consumption)
System to gridPart of the generated energy that goes to the grid (excess)
GridTotal energy required from the grid
Grid to systemEnergy consumed by the system (inverters)
Grid to loadEnergy still required from the grid to supply the load
System to batteryPart of the generated energy that goes to the battery (charge)
Battery to loadEnergy from the battery used to supply the load (discharge)


The downloaded energy balance corresponds to a typical meteorological year. If you uploaded a consumption profile, the timestamps will be aligned with this historical consumption profile, which is important in order to keep and understand the patterns and relations between consumptions and the days of the week, even if this means the year represented is from the past.

Download single-line diagram

Allows you to download the single-line diagram of your installation in PDF format. This PDF file can be easily imported into CAD programs such as AutoCAD.


The single-line diagram can be automatically generated for projects that require circuit breakers up to 4000 A (typically up to 2 MW).

Export to CAD

Allows you to obtain a ZIP file with the design in DXF format and the satellite image that accompanies the project.

The DXF file contains the plan projection of your design divided by layers:

  • Perimeter of the aerial image
  • The aerial image itself
  • Perimeter of the roofs
  • Trees and vegetation
  • Perimeter of the modules
  • Fill of the modules (to facilitate the definition of strings)

You can open this file with any CAD design program to generate plans for layout.

Of course, to facilitate the addition of dimensions, the measurements are in true magnitude and according to the international system of units (in meters).

Edit proposal details

Allows you to modify the name and description of the report.

Load revision

Allows you to load a previous revision by overwriting the current configuration.

Delete proposal

Allows you to delete the selected report.