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In the Details section you can select the components you are going to use for the design of your installation: modules, inverters and batteries.


You can request the addition of new components if they are not available in the database.

By using the search field, you can filter components by brand name, series, power/capacity and model:

Click on any of the search results to select a model.

Quick filters

You can use quick filters to filter and sort the results by the main characteristic of the component:

  • Peak power for modules (in W).
  • Nominal power for inverters (in kW).
  • Capacity for batteries (in kWh).

Minimum value

Use the + sign to define a minimum value:

Maximum value

Use the - sign to define a maximum value:


Use .. (two dots) to define a range:

Exact value

Use the = define an exact value:

Advanced filters

You can click on the advanced filter button to the right of the search field to apply and combine filters based on different parameters:


Once you select a component, it will be displated right above the search field. If you click on its name, you can see all the details of the selected component:

Secondary inverter

For cases where might be necesary, you can click on the secondary inverter selector to add a second inverter model.

The primary inverter is usually the one with the highest power. The secondary inverter can be useful when there is extra DC power that needs to be connected to an inverter, but you would rather use smaller inverters to avoid having a primary inverter underutilized.