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The parameters that are displayed in the energy balance of the installation are:

  • Self-consumed energy: Energy generated and consumed at the moment.
  • Required energy: Energy consumed from the electricity grid.
  • Excess energy: Energy generated and not harnessed (fed back into the grid).

For projects that include batteries, the following will also appear:

  • System to battery: Energy generated and stored in the batteries.
  • Battery to load: Energy consumed from the batteries.

Monthly performance

This graph shows the monthly sum of the main energy parameters during the first year.

Hourly performance

This graph shows the hourly sum during the first year, meaning hour 10 represents the sum of all the hours between 10:00 and 11:00 throughout the entire year.

Performance by tranche

This graph shows the sum per tariff tranche during the first year, meaning tranche P1 represents the sum of all hours in P1 over the year.

Coverage and exploitation

The coverage shows you how much of the energy consumption will be covered by self-consumption. It is also sometimes referred to as "autarky" or "self-sufficiency" (degree of independence from the grid).

The exploitation shows you how much of the generated energy will be self-consumed. It is also sometimes referred to as "self-consumption rate".