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Financing allows your client to reduce or eliminate the initial outlay, in addition to paying part or all of the payments with the savings generated by the installation. You can define the characteristics of the financing in the Costs section of each project:

  • No financing.

  • Financing based on interest rate and period.

    1. Interest rate: This is the interest rate of the loan.

    2. Months: Indicates the period of time during which the financing will take place or the months in which the payments must be paid.

    3. Percentage to finance: This is the percentage of the total cost of the project that you want to finance. 100 % means that the entire cost is financed.

If you choose financing, your client will be able to see in the proposal the annual accumulated savings in scenarios with and without financing, as well as the monthly payments.

From the Proposals section of each project, you can access the detailed table with cash flows for scenarios with and without financing.


The French amortization system is used, which is the most widely used in banking practice. With this system, a fixed payments is established, so your client pays the same amount every month.