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From the Editor section you will be able to make the 3D design of your proyects.

You can move around in the 3D scene using your mouse:

  1. Use the primary click to move in the X-Y plane.

  2. Use the secondary click to rotate the view.

  3. Use the wheel to zoom in and out.


You can also use the cube at the bottom right corner to rotate the scene and view it from different angles by clicking on its faces.

In the top left menu you will find the different actions you can perform, along with the hotkeys to access them using your keyboard.

When you select an element in the scene, a menu will appear on the top right that will allow you to modify its properties.

In addition, with the menu at the bottom left you can change the time of year and time of day to display the projection of local shadows on the 3D scene.

Righ above the shading menu, the editor also provides you with updated information on the number of modules and the power installed in the scene. You will be able to see both the total sum and, between parenthesis, the sum of the selected element.