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It's freezing cold!🥶 Do you know how low temperatures affect the production of a photovoltaic installation?

💡 The generation of electrical energy depends fundamentally on two factors: the cell temperature and solar irradiance. In summary, we could say that:

  • The lower the cell temperature, the higher the voltage and generation.
  • The cell temperature depends on ambient temperature and irradiance.

📊 As you can see in the graph, the highest voltage values occur precisely at the lowest temperatures. However, it's important to consider that irradiance also increases the cell temperature.

👌 It seems that the temperatures during this time of year favor photovoltaic installations. But beware! In the design of a photovoltaic installation, it's typical to maximize the number of modules in series to save on wiring and possible combiner boxes, while maximizing the installation voltage, thus reducing losses.

⚡ With low temperatures, higher voltages are achieved, which can exceed the maximum allowed voltage by the inverters (1000/1100 V). To avoid breakdowns and failures, it's important to carry out a good design and sizing, taking into account the historical minimum temperatures that the installation will endure (with @ieco, of course, you don't have to worry about this since the calculation is done automatically).