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Power Exploration

Utilization, coverage, self-consumption, self-sufficiency... Call it what you will, it's essential to consider these factors when making your designs.

🔎 As the installed power increases, the network demand decreases, and coverage increases. But beyond a certain point, increasing power also leads to surpluses and reduces utilization.

🤔 To add to the complexity, the evolution of utilization and coverage is not linear. In other words, their variation is not proportional to the variation in power.

💡 Visualizing the curves of coverage and utilization evolution can help you determine the power to install. To do this, you should consider:

  • ✅ The complete consumption curve (hour by hour)
  • ✅ Insolation at the project's coordinates
  • ✅ Module orientation
  • ✅ Module inclination

Estimating this manually is very slow and tedious because it requires calculating many scenarios, but with ieco, it is now possible to generate this graph automatically with the 50 most relevant powers. 🚀