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Have you ever wanted to compare the performance curves of various inverters?

In an industry where the quest for higher yields is becoming increasingly important, we cannot forget about inverters. An inverter is the component of the photovoltaic installation that converts energy in the form of direct current, coming from the modules, into energy in the form of alternating current. This conversion is not perfect and has losses, therefore, it has an efficiency less than 100%.

Although sometimes only the EU efficiency value is reflected in the specifications sheet, the reality is that all inverters have an efficiency that varies depending on the output power (or load level) and the input voltage.

Knowing this can help you gain that extra edge in your solution. After all, a small gain in efficiency over the lifespan of a photovoltaic installation can mean significant long-term savings. 😜

Here is a graph with 4168 efficiency data points from 20 different manufacturers. 🚀