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Which electricity generation technology dissipates less water? (nuclear vs. photovoltaic)

💧 Lately, there has been a lot of talk about drought predictions in the near future. Making responsible use of the water resource is becoming increasingly important. That's why it's important to consider the water dissipation associated with each generation technology.

🤓 This indicator includes all uses that deprive the local environment of its access to water. Water that is immediately returned to the natural environment (rivers, oceans, or groundwater) is not counted as "dissipated water," whereas water used as an ingredient for a chemical product or that evaporates does count.

🌡️ Nuclear plants dissipate a larger amount of water primarily due to the cooling process of the plant, whereas technologies like photovoltaic solar use water almost exclusively in the manufacturing process of components.

📊 With technologies like photovoltaic solar, 8 times less water is dissipated compared to using nuclear energy.