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Standardisation of module size

Nine module manufacturers have recently signed an agreement for the standardization of the size of monocrystalline modules and their mounting points.

The companies Canadian Solar Inc., Risen Energy Co., Ltd., JA Solar, Jinko Solar Co., Ltd., LONGi Solar, Trina Solar, TW Solar, Astronergy Solar and DAS SOLAR have signed this document with the following objectives:

  • ✅ Maximize the use of containers and reduce overall system costs
  • ✅ Reduce supply chain difficulties
  • ✅ Maximize material utilization
  • ✅ Facilitate designs

With a size of 2382x1134 mm, these are not modules that are easy to handle or install on small roofs, but it may be just the first step towards a future where mechanical characteristics are standardized globally. Additionally, with modules of this size, a high ratio of usable surface area (% wafer over % module) is achieved.

The agreement also proposes adherence to the dimensions defined in the "Technical specification for crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic module dimensions and mounting holes" from the China Photovoltaic Industry Association (CPIA) for modules based on the 182 mm and 210 mm series.

In our opinion, this is a clear sign of evolution and maturity, demonstrating how several competing companies recognize the need to reach agreements to collectively achieve faster sector growth.